Newbies to Tarot on picking out Tarot Decks.

I am just blogging on this subject today. I will not be going over it in a podcast. It has been a top question from those of you who are newbies or have a high interest in Learning the Tarot. My top advice when you pick out a tarot deck as a newbie is for you to pick out the deck that has the best art that speaks to you and that you can decipher it story from. If you don't understand where I am coming from about this. Pick up a Tarot book. It is going to have a definition for each card. It is eaiser to remember that definition if the artwork on that card speaks it. Word of warning. Once you get in to tarot you will not just have 1 deck of cards. You will end up with 3 or 4 decks and if you are anything like me you will end up collecting them and taking interest in learning Oracle cards . What are oracle cards? Unlike traditional tarot decks which come in packs of 78 cards 22 major arcana + 56 minor arcana. Oracle decks can include any number of cards where Tarot cards include a Major Arcana and Minor Arcana arranged into suits. Oracle decks don't follow this structure. Your most popular Tarot decks starts with
Discription Tarot Price
The Classic Rider-Waite is the most popular tarot deck and probably because the imagery is very easy to read even if you don't know all the meanings hidden within each card., Check it out
Revelations Tarot Seems to be a popular deck. I know some people can connect with them. I have looked over them and the art in this deck is interesting and seem to hold its definition and meanings Check it out
The Classic Tarot Hunnee Tarot Cards Deck with Guidebook Set for Beginners and Experts Readers, 78 Tarot Deck Cards with Booklet, Classic Traditional Tarot Deck Standard Size 4.75" x 2.75", Check it out
The LLewellyn's Classic Tarot Deck Has vivd art work. The cards measure 4 1/2 inches long by 2 1/2 inches wide. The cards are colorful front and back and sturdy. One of the highlights of this set is the images, they are clear and more detailed, clearer details then the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot. Check it out
Easy Tarot Is a deck I have own for 10yrs. It was my go to deck for a long time. Wonderful artwork to make it easy to learn from. I still have them and going to have to replace them someday but I could not leave these out. They are a good choice as well . Check it out
I still use my Easy Tarot sparingly. I love the art work and black border around the cards. They are well used set of cards. I had purchase some Rider Tarot cards in playing card size that I use for reading and teaching off of. I use The Modern Wican Spell Book oracle cards. So yes I do have a set of oracle cards that I favor.

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All the tarot cards I listed are from If any may interest you please click the link from here. I am connected to an associates ID and it helps me to get paid to keep the blogs up, podcast alive, Etsy shop a going and in the future I do plan doing Youtubes. Nothing like learning from visualizations. I hope my audience find the blog and podcast helpful and interesting and alway "Bless Be my sisters and brothers" Until we meet again!


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