Happy Mabon!!

This is the time when the Autumn Equinox signals the beginning of fall.

It is that point where just at the equator we have an even about of 12 hour light and 12 hour of darkness.

The daylight hours are dwindling and that will continue to do so until we reach Winter Solstice the shortest day of the year and the start of winter.

This is the time where the season changes to signal for the summer crops and its bounty comes to an end.


This time of the year holds so many myths. We will start with my favorite one.

Demeter the Goddess of earth and grain. Demeter loved her daughter Presephone who had protected her from the harshness of the world and the eyes of men until one day Presephone caught the eye of Hades and he kidnapped her from the land of the living and forced her to live in the land of the dead. While Presephone was missing Demeter wandered the earth lost in grief and rage. She would not let any crops grow. The earth became cold and lifeless. It was because of this protest Zeus stepped in and intervened and returned Presephone to her mother. However when Presephone was in the underworld she was tricked eating three pomegranate seeds that bound her to the underworld forever. She then had to spend a third of her year with Hades as his wife and queen of his realm. Demeter mourns for her daughter every year until spring when she returns and the earth may once again bloom with life.

This proves that dark times are always followed by light. Even when Demeter was lost in her own grief, she took control. She blackmailed the most powerful of the gods and forced him to do right what had been wronged. There is always a choice. There is always away through even the darkest of times. The deal is to not run from the problem but to face it and , like Demeter did, fight back .

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  1. Happy Mabon and bless be. I love the Demeter story. Thanks for taking the time to share. Reminds me how much I would protect my loving daughter.


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