Wicca vs Witchcraft

A lot of people find it hard to separate the difference between Wicca and Witchcraft. Many people believe that they are the same.

Wicca and Witchcraft in reality are different from one another. Wicca is a religion just like Judaism , christionity, buddhism or islam. While witchcraft on the other hand is a practice like praying, praising or meditating.

Wicca is a newer religion that is a spiritual belief that was introduced to the public by Gerald Gardner. The supporters of this religion are called wiccans or sometimes witches or crafters. This may be why the confusion with people thinking they are the same thing.

Wiccans as a religion have guardans they call watchtowers. They have what they call “calling the quarters”. These watchtowers will be put in each of the four compass directions. East, south, west, north

In witchcraft they don’t call them watchtowers. They have spirits that have good relationships with people. They could be one of the ancestors or any spirit whom they are familiar with. These Guardians, whether from wicca or witchcraft, are called to keep their sacred area protected from unwanted influence.

The two systems are also different in their purposes. Remember wicca is a religion where you honor a God or deities as well as value every individual spirituality. Witchcraft on the other hand does not answer to a lord or any other deities.

Wichcraft focus mainly with magick and using spells to attain their desired results, such as healing, protection, love, etc.

Witchcraft is considered a practice. A witch can become a member of any other religion.

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