
Showing posts from November, 2020


hello I am Autumn Ash who does a Podcast about once a week Under Autumn Ash The Good Witch. You will find me on  Spotify Google PodCast Breaker Pocket Cast Radio Public I also Have an Etsy store called AutumnAshMysticShop  Check back often I am always adding something new. Autumn Ash The Good Witch Podcast

My name is Autumn Ash

 Hello welcome to my page my name is Autumn Ash.  I am Wiccan I am also a witch. I grew up with parents that didn't go to church but they deemed themselves Christian. you could say my mom was the most devoted Christian even though she didn't go to church after she got married. she  did stand by her Bible and read it everyday. She did her best to tell me about God, Jesus, Christianity, it was up to me to go to a church to learn about these things. "That if I am curious" I thought she preferred me to be curious and I was curious about religion. In the second grade I used to have a best friend who was a devoted Christian her parent's went to church every Sunday and I eventually went to church with her. I went to church with her for a couple of months, talked about subjects with my mother, and eventually I drift away from going to church with my friend. That is my first church experience. When I entered my teenage years. I started exploring other religions. Catholic,