Do I have to be gifted Tarot Cards for them to work.

Do I have to be gifted Tarot Cards for them to work for me. 

This line of questioning have been popular in social media across the Internet.   I hear it every few months. 

It is such a silly myth and the answer is NO! You do not have to be gifted a set of tarot cards for them to work. 

Tarot cards is a tool. Like a wand, candles, crystals, incense, herbs,runes, smudges,  the only thing it requires is for you to have a passion to learn it.

It would be best if you are the one that selects their own tarot cards. There are many out there and only you know which one you can work with. My choice of tarot cards are usually the ones that has a lot of artwork on every card. There are some where only the major arcana has all the artwork in the minor arcana do not. You have 78 cards in a Tarot deck. 56 minor arcana 22 major arcana. 
The above picture is 5 different Tarot of the 9 of Swords. As you can see each one varies in art. 9 of Swords is about difficulty, blockage, problems,and being overwhelmed. When I look at these cards only a few has art that speaks these words.  This is why you seek your own Tarot Deck.  

Books of suggestions to look into is check out the Tarot In  Ten Minutes by R.T. Kaser ,the Tarot Bible  by Sarah Bartlett as a reference., Modern Witchcraft Book Of Tarot by Skye Alexander
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